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National Archives Logo

The 1950 census records were released by the U.S. National Archives on April 1, 2022. This website provides full access to the 1950 census images, including population schedules, enumeration district maps, and enumeration district descriptions.

APS logo

The American Physical Society (APS) is a nonprofit membership organization working to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics through its outstanding research journals, scientific meetings, and education, outreach, advocacy, and international activities.

Auto/Mate logo

Get great automotive information. Enter the make, model, and year of the car and watch as all the necescary information is displayed with a user friendly interface 

Biography Reference Bank logo button

Full-text database for biographical research in many disciplines ranging from women's studies, cultural studies, media studies and more. Public Libraries of Suffolk County, NY logo

This bibliographic database is a great tool for collection development or a tool to help patrons identify titles.

Brainfuse HelpNow logo

Adult learning center and homework help. Includes resources for resume writing, career resources, and job searching.

Brainfuse JobNow

Receive live job coaching, real-time interview practice, full-service resume lab, 24/7 access to local job resources and more!

Brainfuse VetNow

Brainfuse VetNow navigators help veterans and their families understand and apply for the benefits they are eligible for from local, state, or federal programs. They also help veterans transitioning from military to civilian careers throughout all stages of the job process. Brainfuse VetNow assists veterans and their families prepare for college through a full suite of academic tools. 

Britannica Escolar logo

Un recurso informativo para la educación primaria y secundaria que es seguro, actualizado y apropiado para cada nivel educativo.

Britannica School logo

An up-to-date, and age-appropriate information resource for Elementary, Middle, and High School.

Career Cruising logo

This database assists all ages in finding the right research and resources to achieve their educational and career goals.

Comics Plus logo

Enjoy unlimited access to thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, and manga — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; on your computer, tablet, or phone.

Comics Plus logo

Enjoy unlimited access to thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, and manga — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; on your computer, tablet, or phone.

Crain's New York Business Logo

Crain’s New York Business is the trusted voice of the New York business community—connecting businesses across the five boroughs by providing analysis and opinion on how to navigate New York’s complex business and political landscape. Full-Text access of most recent issues are available. 

Creativebug logo

Enjoy unlimited access to thousands of online art and craft classes. Watch classes anytime, anywhere. Since classes never expire, you can start and stop projects at your own pace. No pressure, just possibilities!

Culture Grams logo

CultureGrams® is a leading reference for concise and reliable cultural information on the countries of the world.

EBSCO eBooks logo

Take a look and see what eBooks and eAudiobooks your local library has to offer.

ERICL Institute if Education Sciences logo

ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is an authoritative database of indexed and full-text education literature and resources.

Explora logo

Explora supports both student research and classroom instruction with rich, reliable content and easy-to-use functionality.

Explora grades 9-12 logo

Explora for Grades 9-12. Full-text articles from thousands of magazines, journals, and newspapers, along with images, videos, and primary sources.

Fold3 by ancestry logo

 A great resource for images of historical and genealogical information.

Freading logo

Tens of thousands of always available EPUB ebooks.

Gale Directory Library Logo

Use these various directories to search, sort and export a variety of information such as financial information for companies, membership figures for associations, education- related financial aid and scholarships, and much more.

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Gale: A Cengage Company logo

A source for news and periodical articles on a wide range of topics: business, current events, education, environmental issues, health care, humanities, law, literature and art, politics, science, social science, sports, and technology.

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Glassdoor logo

Search millions of jobs and get the inside scoop on companies with employee reviews, personalized salary tools, and more. 

GreenFILE logo

A free research database covering the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and governments and what can be done at each level to minimize negative impacts.

HeritageQuest logo

HeritageQuest® Online is a comprehensive treasury of American genealogical sources—rich in unique primary sources, local and family histories, convenient research guides, interactive census maps, and more.

Hobbies and Crafts Reference Center logo

A collection of comprehensive full-text content, this database provides users with detailed, user-friendly “how-to” information covering a variety of home improvement and repair projects.

IMAGINE Half Hollow Hills Community Library

Need help with your career search, résumé and/or cover letter? Get assistance from a certified career counselor. Register to schedule an hour appointment.

JSTOR logo

A digital library of academic journals, books, and primary sources.

Kanopy logo

Stream the world’s finest cinema for free from your desktop, mobile, and Roku. Click here for instructions.

Kids Infobits logo

Kids InfoBits features age-appropriate, reliable, curriculum-related content covering a broad range of educational topics.

LawDepot logo

The leading publisher of do-it-yourself legal documents, forms, and contracts.

LinkedIn Learning logo

Leading online video learning company that helps anyone learn business, software, technology and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals.

Literary Reference Center button

Literary Reference Center is a rich full-text literary database covering all genres and timeframes. It includes thousands of synopses, critical essays, book reviews, literary journals and author biographies, plus full-text classic novels, short stories and poems.

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MasterFILE Elite button logo

Designed specifically for public libraries, MasterFILE Elite provides full-text magazines, periodicals and reference books covering a wide-range of subject areas.


Provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more.

National Geographic Kids logo

National Geographic Kids includes the complete run of the magazine from 2009 to the present, as well as books, videos, and images. High-quality informational texts are available for primary, upper elementary, and middle school English Language Arts, social studies, and science classrooms.

ProQuest logo

This database offers the user a one-stop hub for the nation's most popular newspapers. 

Proquest logo

One of the nation's leading Black newspapers, the New York Amsterdam News captured the vibrancy and cultural richness of the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s, advocated for the desegregation of the U.S. military during World War II, and fought for civil rights in the 1960s, while covering local, national, and international news.

Proquest logo

Find breaking news, multimedia, reviews & opinion on Washington, business, sports, movies, travel, books, jobs, education, real estate, cars & more.

Newsday logo

Hyper local news for the everyday Long Islander. 

Novelist K-8 Plus logo button

NoveList K-8 Plus is a trusted source of read-alike recommendations specifically for younger readers. It helps kids find books that are just right for their reading level and interests. 

Novelist Plus logo button

NoveList Plus has reading recommendations for both fiction and nonfiction, for all ages. NoveList's expertise in books and reading means that you'll always get the best help for finding just the right books.

Opposing Viewpoints button logo

A rich resource for debaters and includes viewpoints, reference articles, infographics, news, images, video, audio, and more.

Physics Today logo

Physics Today, the flagship publication of the American Institute of Physics, is the most influential and closely followed physics magazine in the world.

Pronunciator logo

Pronunciator is a fun and free way to learn any of 163 languages with Personalized Courses, movies, music, and more. 

Roku logo

Reserve an HD/4K/HDR streaming device with long-range wireless and voice remote with TV controls. Preloaded with HBO Max, Hulu, The Roku Channel, Disney+, ESPN+, Hoopla, Kanopy.

Science Online logo

With a wealth of content and a dynamic design that facilitates STEM research and learning, the award-winning Science Online offers a comprehensive overview of a broad range of scientific disciplines.

Science Reference Center logo

Science Reference Center is a full-text database that covers earth science, life science, technology, health and other popular topics discussed by today's science researchers.

Small Engine Repair Reference Center logo

This database offers assistance in providing routine maintenance (tune-ups, brake service) as well as extensive repairs (engine and transmission disassembly) and allows users to search by product type, brand, model/engine type, specific area of model/engine type and model numbers.

Teacher Reference Center logo

Teacher Reference Center (TRC) provides indexing and abstracts for nearly 300 peer-reviewed journals. Topics covered include Best Practices, Curriculum Development, Literacy Standards, Pedagogical Research, Instructional Media, Language Arts, Science & Mathematics, School Administration, and more.

Thomas Register logo

An online platform for supplier discovery and product sourcing in the US and Canada.

Weiss Ratings logo

The only financial ratings agency in the world that provides a combination of five critical advantages for users: The broadest coverage, the strictest independence, complete objectivity, high ethics and a commitment to safety.

World Book Online logo

Access thousands of articles, biographies, multimedia content and an abundance of educational games, activities, and projects.

World Cat logo

The world's most comprehensive database of information about library collections. OCLC delivers quality, discoverability and value.