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Brainfuse JobNow

Receive live job coaching, real-time interview practice, full-service resume lab, 24/7 access to local job resources and more!

Brainfuse VetNow

Brainfuse VetNow navigators help veterans and their families understand and apply for the benefits they are eligible for from local, state, or federal programs. They also help veterans transitioning from military to civilian careers throughout all stages of the job process. Brainfuse VetNow assists veterans and their families prepare for college through a full suite of academic tools. 

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Tens of thousands of always available EPUB ebooks.

Gale Directory Library Logo

Use these various directories to search, sort and export a variety of information such as financial information for companies, membership figures for associations, education- related financial aid and scholarships, and much more.

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IMAGINE Half Hollow Hills Community Library

Need help with your career search, résumé and/or cover letter? Get assistance from a certified career counselor. Register to schedule an hour appointment.

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Stream the world’s finest cinema for free from your desktop, mobile, and Roku. Click here for instructions.